Can Biden calm global skepticism and persuade allies that the United States is truly “back”? Subscribe to GZERO on YouTube: Can President Joe Biden quell growing global skepticism and persuade allies that the United States is truly “back”? Or is America’s credibility irreparably damaged, no matter what Biden, or any future president, says or does? Ian Bremmer is joined on GZERO World by global affairs reporter and Middle East expert Robin Wright of The New Yorker to explain why Biden, the most experienced U.S. president in geopolitics in decades, is already looking to hit the reset button of American foreign policy. After four long years of the Trump administration’s approach to foreign policy, Joe Biden’s assurances that America was “back” had been like Xanax to the diplomatic community. But some major foreign policy SNAFUs over the past eight months have called America’s new global position into question. At least it looks like the honeymoon is over. Subscribe to GZERO’s free global politics newsletter, Signal: Subscribe to the GZERO podcast: with-ian-bremmer /id1294461271 Like GZERO on Facebook: Follow GZERO on Twitter: Follow GZERO on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin .com/company/ 18385722/ GZERO Media is a multimedia publisher providing news, insights and commentary on the events shaping our world. Our properties include GZERO World with Ian Bremmer, our Signal newsletter, Puppet Regime, the GZERO World podcast, In 60 Seconds and #GZEROWorld #AmericaIsBack #RobinWright
Biden’s rocky start to foreign policy | Review by Robin Wright | GZERO World with Ian Bremmer

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