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Former President Donald Trump’s recent blockbuster fundraising campaign, which raised more than $50 million in one night, is beginning to narrow the financial gap between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, but Republicans can’t afford to relax – not even for a moment. Trump supporters need to know that they are not just fighting against Democrats, but against the entire federal government.
That’s according to Republican Claudia Tenney, who appeared on “Kudlow” Larry Kudlow said on FOX Business in recent days, saying Democrats would do “anything and everything” to ensure Joe Biden is re-elected. The New York congresswoman cited malicious lawsuits against Trump as revealing the Democrats’ dirty tricks, but also reminded the public Biden Executive Order 14019released March 7, 2021, which effectively arms every federal agency – every federal employee – to find and register voters who could help the cause.
Forget Zuckerbucks; this infusion of $419 million in private money The official 2020 election operations, which some researchers say boosted Democratic outreach in key states and gave the close election to Joe Biden, are small potatoes compared to access to entire federal bureaucracy.
Reports that Mark Zuckerberg, one of America’s richest men, was able to “buy” the 2020 election have inspired 28 states to pass laws banning the use of private funds in election management. Last week, more than 54 percent of Wisconsin voters voted to ban the practice. For what? Because the supposedly nonpartisan money apparently went to boost voting in Biden’s densely populated enclaves.
As the Wall Street Journal noted“A 2021 report from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) found that more than 86% of the Center for Tech and Civic Life’s $10 million went to the cities of Madison, Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay. “Private money was used to increase voter turnout for Joe Biden, but not for Donald Trump,” WILL found.

Reports that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, one of the richest men in America, was able to “buy” the 2020 election have inspired 28 states to pass laws banning the use of private funds in the management of elections. (David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Because states like Wisconsin have made Zuckerbucks illegal, Democrats can’t use private funds to help in their “get out the vote” efforts, but thanks to Biden’s executive order, they now have instead the vast federal government and its 2.9 million employees. The EO requires that all “agency documents, websites, online forms, social media platforms, and other public access points” be used – not to reinforce the actual responsibilities of the Small Business Administration or the Health and Social Services, for example – but to inform voters on “how to register to vote, how to request an absentee ballot and how to vote in the upcoming elections”.
Additionally, the EO requires that federal employees help “candidates complete voter registration and absentee ballot request forms”“In other words, federal employees – paid by taxpayer dollars – are now responsible for finding and registering voters; there is only a short path to filling out and harvesting those ballots. As with the Zuckerbucks deployment, Or these efforts could greatly influence the outcome of the election.
Lest you think it’s not important, consider a report on the implementation of Biden’s EO from the “Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the ACLU and Demos and a total of 53 (left-wing) organizations representing a diverse set of communities.” They complain that 10 federal agencies surveyed don’t live up to their ambitions, writing: “We believe that if these agencies integrate a high-quality voter registration opportunity for the people they serve…they could collectively generate 3.5 million additional registration requests per year. year.”
More than 3 million new voters! Recall that Biden won the 2020 election by 42,000 votes.
The EO was not just a friendly request; it directs each agency to provide a report a year later with its plan to meet Biden’s demands. Interestingly, not all agencies seem to agree with this mission. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in its report, is clearly suspicious. Although it agrees to help make voting materials available and allow employees to play a nonpartisan role in the election, the report also states: “The EEOC takes its obligations under the Hatch Act seriously.”
According to the Office of the Special Adviser, the Hatch Actpassed in 1939, “limits certain political activities of federal employees” and aims to “ensure that federal programs are administered in a nonpartisan manner…”
But the law only applies to activities undertaken while on duty, in uniform or while an employee is at work. Otherwise, federal workers are free to contribute to a campaign as they see fit.
Joe Biden has acted recently to ensure federal employees are excited about his re-election. This month, its Office of Personnel Management adopted a rule it would make it harder to fire “nonpartisan career civil servants,” which would likely prevent Donald Trump or any other future president from attacking the so-called “deep state.”
This decision was probably unnecessary. A analysis of campaign contributions According to OpenSecrets, campaign contributions from members of the American Federation of Government Employees, the union that represents federal workers, go overwhelmingly to Democrats. In the 2022 midterm elections, for example, less than 5% of donations went to the Republican Party, while 95% went to Democrats.
Ironically, some democratic activists are concerned about the generalization of Nopartisan voter registration drives, as polls show a growing number of unregistered Americans prefer Republicans. While 2016 Gallup surveys show that just over half of people not registered to vote leaned Democratic, in 2023 and 2024 the Democratic percentage of the unregistered population fell to 42%. This change will make it all the more likely that the federal campaign to register voters will aim to seek out Biden supporters.
Newly appointed Chairman Michael Whatley said the Republican National Committee will to be “in the room” to monitor votes cast and counted in November.
That’s encouraging, but can they monitor the entire federal government? We can only hope so.