Comic and expert Bill Maher I did a song on First Son Hunter Biden on allegations contained in a recent 9-count federal indictment – calling it a “time of extreme humility” for the Bidens.
Department of Justice Special Counsel David Weiss transmitted a count of nine charge against Hunter Biden on Thursday on federal tax charges in a case that will be presided over by a federal district court judge appointed by Trump Mark Scarsi.
The indictment included many sensational details about things the government claims Hunter spent money on while allegedly avoiding taxes.
Friday evenings editing from HBO In Real Time with Bill Maherthe guests of the comics panel were John Avlon And Jane Fergusonand his interview guest was the author Greg Lukianoff.
During his monologue, Maher dedicated several jokes to the indictment, focusing on the details contained in the indictment:
The Republicans, they smell a little blood in the water because Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden has been indicted again. Now Trump is going to have four trials, Hunter Biden now has two. It’s true.
He was indicted for… This is another tax case that he spent incredible amounts of money on. Well, you know what? (laugh).
Whores, blowjobs, cars and hotel rooms. And the Biden family asks for privacy during this time of extreme humility.
They said he spent. I like this. This is a quote from the indictment. They said he spent $683,000 on various women. I would say I blame TikTok. I do it, I.
Not the app, it was the name of one of his Chinese whores. (SCREAMING of laughter).
Speaking of blows. Have you seen this story? The side. The Coast Guard here in Southern California dismantled a submarine carrying 5,500 pounds of cocaine. It was the first time Cox-Cops begged a suspect to stop talking. Yeah.
This offshore reserve was our hard blow! This state cannot take a break. First the writers went on strike and now the actors went on strike!
Watch above via HBO In Real Time with Bill Maher.
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