(Opinion column written by Sir John Swan)
Anyone who observes the world of international politics will be aware of what I consider to be worrying trends, in particular:
- A watershed shift toward extremism: People seem drawn to the far right or far left of the political spectrum. The middle, where people are willing to consider the opinions of others, who see the good and bad of both sides, seems to be a declining segment.
- A growing lack of tolerance and understanding. “It’s my way or nothing. If you don’t agree with me, you’re wrong and I have no desire to listen to your side of the story.”
- An increase in fear levels. Most of today’s media, and even many politicians, have learned that fear motivates people, that it drives them to form opinions and make decisions. We are afraid of climate change, of disease, of poverty, of the other leader, of not being able to feed ourselves or house ourselves. We are afraid of losing our job, our family, our partner. We are besieged by advertisements that first tell us to be afraid, then try to sell us something to fix the problem we have been convinced to fear. Political leaders, in many cases, embrace fear for their own political gain.
We cannot allow these values to erode in Bermuda. We are too small, too few in number, to sacrifice our destiny on the altar of extremism, fear and intolerance. What we need from our leaders are solutions, not fear!
Because we are small, we are few in number, each individual, each voter is important and can influence decisions, make a difference and create a positive impact.
But there is another trend that, in the long term, could be even more alarming. These are people who decide not to vote. Every registered voter has the right, indeed the responsibility, to express their opinion on how their future, that of Bermuda, will develop. This is, I believe, a frightening and fundamental responsibility, which must be exercised at every opportunity.
I understand that many people have been excluded from the political process because they feel disenfranchised and feel like their leaders are not interested in their opinions. They too have become fearful and one solution, it seems, is to turn away from politics altogether. But that’s not the answer. At its core, politics is simply the right of every adult Bermudian to choose the destiny of their country.
So to those who are afraid, to those who feel that their politicians no longer understand or care about their concerns, who despair about the future of our home island, I offer you a fundamental option. I value your opinion; I value your participation and I am committed to putting Bermuda back on the right track. We will work to find other independents worthy of your support.
It starts with you, every Bermuda voter, first making the decision that you have had enough and want change, and then making that change happen through your vote. As always, our future is in your hands.
– Sir John Swan
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