#WestBengalElections #AssemblyElections2021 #BengalPolls Political analyst KartikeyaBatra joins Vikram Chandra to analyze what early trends suggest for the BJP against the TMC in West Bengal. For more videos, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyri-PL3l4Dn9IooWXQAqfA Check editorji website for more news: https://www.editorji.com/ To stay up to date, download the editorji app: Editorji.com/download Follow editorji here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/editorjitech / Twitter: https://twitter.com/editorji Instagram: https://www .instagram.com/editor_ji/?hl=en Telegram: https://t.me/editorjitechnologies ——— ——————- ——————————- ——————- ————–
#Elections2021 | political analyst KartikeyaBatra on early trends in West Bengal

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