Farmer supports solar energy
My family has been farming in Howard County for generations. We are organic farmers who grow corn, soy, wheat and hay.
Before farming full-time, I worked in the school system for over 40 years. I worked at Taylor Community Schools outside of Kokomo, a school system that utilized solar power. Throughout my time there, I saw firsthand the effectiveness of solar energy and all of the benefits it brings. It truly made me a full believer in the need for solar energy. Now, as a farmer myself, I would just as soon raise solar as I would corn.
I firmly stand in support of all forms of energy, including solar, and encourage an “all of the above” approach for Howard County. This community needs more energy and needs more diversification of the energy grid to make it happen in a sustainable way.
I am fully in favor of anything that needs to happen that will bring more solar energy to Howard County.
David Long