The Right Is Losing Their Minds Over Hunter Biden’s Laptop. They believed it would expose illegal actions Joe Biden committed on behalf of his son. But Republican James Comer went on CNN and admitted that they got absolutely nothing from the laptop. Watch the Majority Report live Monday-Friday at 12:00 p.m. EST on YouTube OR listen via daily podcast at http://www.Majority.FM -representative https:// #SamSeder #EmmaVigeland #MajorityReport #politics #news #progressive #leftist #democrats #liberal SUPPORT the show by becoming a member: http://www. Download FREE TMR App: TMR MERCH: DISCOVER MORE from Team MR: Matt Binder CONVICTED https://www Brandon Sutton’s DISCOURSE Emma Vigeland ESVN Matt Lech RECKONING ON THE LEFT LeftReckoning OTHER LINKS: Twitch: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: / I thought it was pretty funny. The big promise from the Republican Party was that they would get to the bottom of all this Hunter Biden stuff. Now remember that information on Hunter Biden’s laptops has been deleted. but now it’s supposedly not removed. And I still don’t know what it is. Because there aren’t any there. I mean, Hunter Biden is screwed, man. Had substance abuse problems. The problem appears with, as you know, sharing dick pics. And you know the problems that you see all the time with individuals in our society. But in terms of corruption, what about our government? Well, let’s call on James Comer. He is the chairman of government oversight. They did all the Yeoman work on this whole Hunter Biden thing. They held hearings. Some explosive stuff here that Comer has. It’s here. So, as chairman of the House Oversight Committee, you investigated members of Joe Biden’s family and their business dealings with the Bidens. Did you discover anything illegal while he was in office? Well, we’ve discovered a lot of things that are definitely unethical. We found many that should be illegal. Although the line is blurry as to what is legal and not legal when it comes to family influence peddling. Family influences boating. For my part, I am very favorable to a society without nepotism. Where people don’t trade the names of their powerful parents, brothers or sisters for profit. Like the idea that my father-in-law could be president of the United States and I would get billions or hundreds of millions of dollars. in loans to save my business. that would make me nauseous. Or if my dad was, say, president of the United States and I had huge licensing deals with China or something. Yeah, that would be bad. Or if my name is Hunter Biden and because my last name is Biden, I can be on the board because the company assumes that I’ve been around all kinds of important people and those relationships are valuable. This is exactly why people are constantly appointed to boards because of their network and connections. Do I think it’s unfair that famous people or people who have famous parents get things like this? Yes. and I’m glad we’ve gotten to where the Republicans are finally cracking down on this. But it’s hilarious. What they did should be illegal. What did they do? Well, Hunter Biden was hired for Stuff because his last name was Biden. I agree, I don’t know if we can make this illegal. But we should definitely live in a society that doesn’t rely on relationships. Legacy college admissions and all kinds of stuff like that. But it’s hilarious. This Is The Stuff, by the way, as this was the animating factor, this laptop was the animating factor of an entire political movement.
Top Republican admits he had nothing on Hunter Biden

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