For the third time in four years, the US House of Representatives appears ready to open an impeachment inquiry – this one against sitting President Joe Biden. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy said the party’s investigations painted a picture of a culture of corruption around the Biden family. At the heart of these investigations are the business dealings of the president’s surviving son, Hunter — a lawyer, lobbyist and recovering drug addict whom Republicans have long had in their crosshairs. Barbara Miller reports. Subscribe: ABC News In Depth takes you deeper into the big news, with long-form journalism from Four Corners, Foreign Correspondent, Australian Story, Planet America and more, and explanations from ABC News Video Laboratory. Watch more ad-free ABC News content on ABC iview: For more ABC News, click here: Get breaking news and live streams from our ABC News channel: Like ABC News on Facebook: Follow ABC News on Instagram: abcnews_au Follow ABC News on Twitter: Note: In most cases our captions are automatically generated. #ABCNewsIndegree #ABCNewsAustralia
Republicans want impeachment inquiry into Biden family | 7:30 a.m.

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